Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Apa itu affiliate marketing ?

Affiliate Marketing adalah suatu cara menghasilkan uang dari internet . Dalam affiliate marketing kita akan mendapatkan komisi apabila terjadi transaksi penjualan produk, klik atau pendaftaran melalui 'link afilliate' kita.

Merchant atau affiliate merchant adalah orang atau perusahaan yang memiliki produk/jasa yang mereka pasarkan melalui internet. Sedangkan orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai produk/jasa dapat membantu affiliate merchant tersebut dalam menjualkan produknya. untuk setiap produk/jasa yang terjual, mereka akan mendapatkan komisi.

Orang-orang yang menghasilkan uang dengan membantu affiliate merchant memasarkan produknya di internet inilah yang disebut 'affiliate marketer' atau disingkat 'affiliate'.

Dalam bisnis online, semua affiliate marketer melakukan penjualan melalui 'link khusus' atau yang dikenal dengan istilah 'affiliate link'. Affiliate link ini diberikan oleh affiliate merchant (pemilik barang/jasa) kepada affiliate marketer. Setiap affiliate link biasanya terdiri dari serangkaian huruf atau angka yang unik sebagai 'affiliate ID', yang berfingsi mengidentifikasi kita sebagai satu-satunya orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap penjualan yang dihasilkan melalui affiliate link tadi.

Ada banyak cara menghasilkan keuntungan (uang) dari affiliate marketing program ini. Metode atau cara menghasilkan uang dari affiliate program dapat di kelompokkan sebagai berikut.

Pay Per Sale Affiliate Program. Lewat cara ini, kita memperoleh keuntungan pada saat seseorang membeli produk atau jasa melalui affiliate link kita.
Contoh barang atau jasa yang dipasarkan dengan cara 'pay per sale' adalah penjualan e-book, software komputern dan lainnya.

Besar komisi pay per sale ini bervariasi, mulai dari hanya 20% saja sampai 65% bahkan lebih besar lagi. Click Bank bahkan memberikan komisi sampai 75% per sebuah e-book yang terjual.

Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program. Adalah jenis program yang memberikan pembayaran untuk setiap prospek (lead) dengan kualifikasi tertentu yang kita bawa ke situs web merchant melalui affiliate link kita.

Melalui program 'pay per lead' ini, kita bisa mendapatkan keuntungan mulai dari beberapa sen saja untuk setiap leads yang datang ke website merchant, sampai $30 atau lebih untuk leads yang mengisi form aplikasi secara lengkap.

Pay Per Click Affiliate Program. Kita mendapat bayaran pada saat 'link iklan' di situs web kita di klik oleh pengunjung kita. Program pay per click (PPC) yang sangat populer saat ini adalah Google's Adsense.Google memperbolehkan kita menempatkan 1 sampai 3 iklan Google di setiap halaman web atau blog kita.

Pay Per Search Affiliate Program. Program ini mirip dengan pay per click namun caranya agak berbeda. Dengan pay per search program ini, kita akan mendapat pembayaran pada saat pengunjug website atau blog kita mencarai informasi melalui 'search box' (kotak pencarian) khusus yang telah kita tempatkan di situs kita, dan lalu mereka meng klik salah satu link dari hasil pencariannya tadi.

Contoh program pay per search ini adalah Google's Adsense for Search nya mesin pencari Google.com

Recurring Affiliate Program. Dalam program ini affiliate merchant memberi komisi kepada kita dalam periode tetap atau secara berkala. Kadang kala program ini disebut juga dengan istilah 'Submission Program'.
Meskipun kita tidak mendapatkan persentase yang besar dari program ini. Namun tetap bermanfaat karena kita mendapatkan komisi selama pelanggan membayar uang langganannya.

Hybrid Program. Program ini merupakan gabungan dari beberapa affiliate program berbeda yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya. Misalnya merchant menawarkan komisi 5 sen dolar setiap kali ada pengunjung website kita yang mengklik banner dan kemudian komisi 10% bila terjadi penjualan produk.

Tulisan di atas menjelaskan mengenai program Affiliate Marketing dan bagaimana cara kerjanya untuk menghasilkan uang melalui website atau blog kita.

Semoga bermanfaat semoga sukses!

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

5 Tips For Building a Successful Small Business website.

#1. Understand How People Find You.
Most small business websites simply do not get seen. Even those that do may not get seen by the right people. It is important to understand how people use the Internet and how they would find you. You need to consider what someone would type if they were looking for your product or service.

#2. What do You do and Where do You do it..
Most people who are looking for a service type business are likely to type a search term that includes a location. Many people use the Internet to search for products and then go out to the shops and purchase them. For these reasons it often pays to build your website with your location in mind.

#3. Build Your Small Business Website Around Search Terms Not Your Business Name.
When you build a small business website it pays to build each page with a specific few search terms in mind. Getting traffic on a broad range of search terms will increase the overall productivity of your website. Most business types offer a range of products or services. By carefully constructing pages around each service coupled with the business location you can bring a lot of targeted traffic to your website.

#4. Make Yourself The Popular One.
Getting a lot of incoming links to your website will show the search engines that your site is popular. This will make a big difference in where your pages are placed in the search results. The links will also bring you more traffic and all traffic is good because a website can also make money passively.

#5. Become Your Businesses Website Management Team
With just a little ongoing maintenance it is possible to turn your website into valuable asset to your small business. What's more you can set yourself up to earn some addition passive income from some of your less relevant traffic.

By simply getting into the habit of giving a couple of hours of your time each week or so to carry out a few simple tasks makes a big difference. Google and the other major search engines favour websites with good content. They like to see a website that is updated and added to and one that is popular. Spending a little time each week to do link exchanges and add content and new pages to your website will pay off and continue to pay for as long as you are online.

So many small businesses have got it so wrong. Merely buying a small business website and putting it online is a waste of time and money. With a little know-how, building a small business website can be fun and very productive indeed. Find more information about building small business websites at http://u-do-makemoneyonline.com/2010/01/22/should-you-build-your-own-small-business-website/

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Beginners Guide to Starting Out to Make Money Online - Stop Losing Money and Have Fun

by: Steve Pemberton 

If your first brush with Internet Marketing has left you battered and bruised, maybe it's time to take a step back. Starting out to make money online need not be a painful or costly experience and with the right approach and attitude can be fun and very lucrative. Many people who may have been just around the corner from success have given up because they made one or two bad decisions at the start, don't be one of them.

Choose The Right Program
With so many self proclaimed guru's offering so many so called blueprints it is easy to see why so many fail. Sadly the main focus of the majority of I.M programs available is up-sell. When you have paid money for something to find out that the person who is supposed to be teaching you, is clearly more intent on selling you more it is disheartening. Many people with good potential will just see it as a scam and walk away forever and that is a real shame and gives I.M an undeserved bad name. So you should start with a program that provides everything that you need and be ready to ask for your money back if it doesn't.

Stick at it and Stay Focused
Probably the biggest reason for failure is failure to continue. It often feels like you are getting nowhere in the first few weeks and many give up at this point. In truth the chances are that many gave up when success may have been just around the corner. Virtually everything I have ever written about I.M says somewhere that you must keep your expectations realistic. When you find the right program stick at it and it alone. If you don't you will quickly get washed away in a tidal wave of information overload.

Take the Right Attitude and it's Like Playing a Game.
This is more about my attitude but it's a great outlook and may help you a lot. I chose a program that was $29, about the price of a video game. Because it cost's me nothing to play I treated it as just that, a game that I played for an hour or so each evening. It sounds crazy but many people get really hung up and frustrated, but if you put it into perspective it's just a game. It even has the same characteristics, i.e. you get better, you go up a level and so on. I suppose for those that have ongoing cost's like hosting fees etc., it's a bit more serious, but that's down to ones choice of program I guess.

If you want to make money online, to get off to the best possible start you should find the right program, stick rigidly to it, take control of your cost's and above all enjoy yourself. For more beginners tips on how to make money online visit http://u-do-makemoneyonline.com/

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Layanan navigasi Global Nav4All Tracking dan Tracing System ditutup

Layanan navigasi global Nav4All dan Tarcking dan Tracing terpaksa ditutup karena kerja sama dengan Navteq sebagai penyedia data  tidak diperpanjang, seperti informasi yang dikirimkan pihak  Nav4All melalui email.

Nav4All menjadi sebuah produk global yang digunakan oleh 27.5 juta pengguna, dalam 56 bahasa hanya dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun. Hal ini menempatkan Nav4All menjadi supplier navigasi terbesar. Dengan jumlah pengguna yang sedemikian besar, Nav4All juga dipakai dalam ratusan telepon genggam seperti Blackberry, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola, Android, HTC, Nokia, LG, Iphone, Ipod dsb. 

Setelah 5 tahun masa uji coba dan pengembangan pasar, kami memantau adanya perkembangan yang pesat dan faktanya secara eksponensial terus berkembang dalam dua tahun terakhir. Perkembangan ini telah dilaporkan dalam laporan resmi kepada Navteq. Pada pertengahan Desember 2009, cakupan global telah diperpanjang termasuk ke Negara Filipina, Maroko dan Kenya.

Berikut ini adalah penjelasan resmi pihak  Nav4All.